Saturday, September 6, 2008

chillin in bangkok

it's officially decided. i love the expat life and i think i will be returning to asia (or europe) very soon. bangkok is the nicest city i have been tooo...the luxe parts are so luxe that i spin around in awe. doubledecker subway platforms, music in the air, fountains spouting water and good food everywhere? oh man. i looove it.

i'm staying at The Atlanta, a very quirky, eccentric hotel that draws writers and artsy travelers. if you do a quick google search, you'll draw some interesting reviews. they have their own verbose tonal language here and you just have to be here to experience the absurd, humorous, and intelligent nature of signs and manuals found everywhere around this hotel telling you what they thinks about a number of topics including your language, stupid tourists, thai rifraf and sexpats. (by the way, i have seen so many old white business guys with young thai girls. it's really gross. ewwww).

lots of things are planned for these last few days. i am so sad this trip is ending soon. thank you to all my dear friends who supported me. i have had the time of my life and learned so much about myself and God and living life the way I have longed to live it. I'm going to a big open market tomorrow...hope to find you a gift there :)

one more beach escape in southern thailand
a visit to the famous floating boat market
teaching english at a center serving the poor
visiting my friend lexie
going to a cock fight
a facial
riding elephants and tigers
visiting temples
getting a haircut
reading more books
taking a thai cooking class
learning thai kickboxing

which ones do you think are true? i mixed in a couple fake ones to make you gasp. oh the joys of making others gasp.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

You're definitey not going to a cock fight. But I hope you are taking a cooking and kickboxing classes.

BTW there's a tropical storm Hanna on the east coast right now. Fierce, like you.:)

Looking forward to seeing you soon!