Saturday, August 2, 2008

Level 1 yoga with Bruce

Today, I let myself enjooooy the morning, laying awake with my earplugs, the occasional cries of the baby and the screaming green parrots barely making a ripple on the surface of my content conscience.

I love my mom for snapping me out of it.  I love the pink flowers that greeted my sleepy eyes.  I love Saturday mornings.

I went to Level I yoga with Bruce at 9 am.  Hot damn.  That class near killed me.  At one point, I thought I was going to puke.  At another, I thought that I was going to fall over and my leg muscles give out.  Throughout the entire class, my body kept going in and out of vibrating numbness.  I kind of think that is not normal.  Or is it?  Any yogis out there know?  In one pose, my whole abdomen started convulsing.  I'm laughing just remembering.  I felt like such a dork.

But I made it.  And it was good to experience once again that hard work pays off.  Mindfulness, awareness, being grounded in the present are all absolutely necessary to survive a workout like that.  It carries you through the day and pretty much beats any fear inside of your cowering chest away and replaces it with a burning fire and confidence in your own spirit.

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