I got free passes to the Castle Green Holiday Home Tour so I took J. and my housemate. Castle Green is one of the oldest buildings still standing in L.A. County. We had sangria, Mexican pozole, and little curry bites from Dickinson's West Catering. We heard a little on the history of the place and then started from the penthouse down, visiting around 22 of the 50 condos there open for viewing.
There were condos decorated in mid-Century decor. Others represented original 1920s design and others were just breathtakingly eclectic and artistic. Many of the residents are architects, artists, or writers.
Gorgeous condos. Immediately I started thinking about how much money I needed to make a down payment on one of them. J. told me his first thought was, "Damn, I picked the wrong career."
What do these people do that they can afford to live in these beautifully stirring flats? They do these tours twice a year for $20 a pop. A few of them were for sale.
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