For all those who know me, you know that at times I have hated this job. But today, I felt incredibly blessed to be released and blessed by my boss and coworkers. I've grown to love them, to accept their humanity, and to be thankful for the really good things about them.
I drove away feeling incredibly happy. Something had shifted in my heart.
Then I went to Centering Prayer group to join two of the loveliest women. I stuffed myself silly with guacamole and chips. I seriously have no shame about eating a ton of food. It was my last week with them before departing on the trip. I am thankful for the love they have shown me, the food S. has given me, and the support I have received to continue in my centering prayer practice and readings.
I drove from that to Genebeb's house thinking, I am so grateful and proud of myself. The last few months have been some of the hardest of my life and yet every single day, I chose to confront my pain, my fears, and go for this trip to Asia. Now, less than a week before my departure date, I am exhilarated by the possibilities. I am so excited that I am doing this. And I know it's going to change my life. I really went for it with this one peeps! I didn't back down even when others bailed and crazy life got in the way. I kept going. And it is amazing to be here in this place with expectation.
That's all for now. I just wanted to write that. And how do you know I'm in SoCal? Because I'm always driving.
hey good to hear that you left feeling really really good. sounds like peace.
Awww. You are a lovely woman. Glad you liked the guacamole!
I so enjoy you!
aww hanna. i'm proud of you too.
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