Friday, August 22, 2008

happy birthday hk!

today i turned 26. i didn't feel old as the days preceding it had me thinking. instead i felt grateful, wise, more ready to step fully into being a mature growing woman.

things i am learning in bali:

-- the art of doing nothing: i spend my days reading, thinking of where to eat next, reading some more, and riding my bike around, staring into rice paddy fields

--how to meet a french man on a bike tour and have dinner with him overlooking the campuan river valley without it being awkward. Vincent was his name. At the end of the night he said with a nice accent, "well that was short and sweet and the best day i've had since coming to bali!" hehe. we talked about elizabeth gilbert, chanel (he works for them), taize (he's gone before) and how he loves reading americans' writing and the way they make the french sound exotic. it was really funny watching him try to smoke, drink wine, and finish his hot green tea in the last few minutes before the restaurant staff kicked us out.

--how to be the last straggler on a bike tour down a volcano, have a bruised butt, and still love life

--how to relax and not be stressed but just enjoy the unwinding of a day, how to take it easy and be ok with not being so "consolidated"


shee shee said...

happy birthday!!!! i miss your presence here in the US. but you are doing a wonderful thing out there and i'm happy for you.

melinda said...

I was thinking about you on friday (it's my dad's birthday too, so it's easy to remember when your birthday is). Even though we live a state away, I miss being able to call you if I need you. Love you hanna

contemporary themes said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Kiddo!

Glad you are having a great time!