Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Poll: to dslr or not to dslr

my friend s. explained, dslr = digital slr. oh right.

that was one of my summer goals which have been pushed down the priorities list as i've juggled traveling plans, leaving work, considering a new lease. yeah, there's a lot going on.

I've got three weeks before I take off for the first leg of my journey to Japan.

So what do you think? Should I try to get a digital slr in these next three weeks for my 5-6 week trek through Asia?

Answer aye or naye with a reason in the comments section please.


shee shee said...

is your concern that you won't have enough time to research and find the right dslr in 3 weeks? or that you didn't budget the money to buy one? anyway, one idea is to ask a friend who has one to lend to you for your trip. but if that idea stresses you out, i would say just stick with your point and shoot - after all, taking pretty pictures does not fall under the category of yoga, writing, or food.

Hanna K. said...

nice points shee shee! my concern is that i won't be able to learn how to use one fast enough. i did take a photography class and know how to use a manual slr but i haven't handled a digital one. your reminder of categories is helpful.