Wednesday, June 11, 2008

musings 2

perfect couples don't exist.  marriage is about two imperfect people who love each other, are willing to act on that love, and build a life that nurtures both of them.  and the building begins after marriage, not before.

i like my toes.  pedicures make me happy.

solitude is necessary for my health.

Lolita is a disturbing masterpiece.  I almost feel like I'm committing a sin reading it but then the literary quality is so superb that art trumps pedophiliac content.

taking a sick day was a great idea.

making goals and reaching them is wonderful for your self esteem.

if you feel insane about something in your life, act. do something different.  anything different.  sanity is breaking the pattern.

i think i should go into the greeting card business.  most of my musings sound like pop culture quotes.

i miss him.  trying to be constant.  in love.


shee shee said...

Lolita is one of my all-time faves!

contemporary themes said...

I have a way for you to go into the greeting card business!!! : )

And, I must be neurotic. (This is no surprise, really.) I love reading other people's blogs. I look it at as my gift of AUDIENCE!