Today, Richard Rohr explained the paradox of control freaks and happiness. How it alludes them. And how they try to control even more to attain it when the key to happiness is faith, holding the tension of the world through the cross, and accepting the pain in your life instead of trying to find out who is to blame.
Everything is still hazy. I don't know exactly why but his words are giving me hope. I'm beginning to see that in life, it's not even about getting what you want that makes you happy. The thing is, what are you going to do when you don't get those things? What if I don't get to travel around the world for a year? What if I don't meet the man of my dreams? What if I don't have that successful career I've always imagined for myself? What if I don't get the MFA that I thought would make me truly happy? Will my life really suck? Or not be worth living? No, the answer must be no, although I have believed that lie for a while now.
Knowing what you want is a good start to heading in a direction. But attaining those things never means you will be happy. Happiness and freedom comes from attending to your calling every day, knowing that you have a God that is for you and loves you, knowing that life happens and at the end of the day, you have to be happy for how you lived your life, not what you did or what you attained.
It's complex. It's full of twists and turns. I still can't wrap my head around it. But my heart is filling with hope. I'm feeling the freedom I thought only a trip around the world could give me.
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